Sharon Mayne Withers.
Personal and educational background: Born in the Pineville Hospital in Bell County, Kentucky, raised on a seventh-generation family farm on Poplar Creek in Whitley County Kentucky, settled by ancestors on her mother’s side. Sharon transcribed her first cemetery at the age of eight and wrote her first genealogical article for publication at the age of 12. She graduated from Eastern Kentucky University with a BS in Medical Technology and a MS in Hematology and Clinical Education from the University of Kentucky. She was a Master Technologist in Hematology at the University of Kentucky Medical Center where she worked 39 and 1/2 years. She is the mother of two daughters and the proud grandmother of four girls.
Favorite service: Giving back to veterans.
Vision for the future of DAR: Mission-centered, vision-driven, inclusive and relevant.
Favorite DAR pin: The American Indians Fund pin, a dream catcher, which was designed by me and Frances Crutchfield.